Introduction To Javascript For Web Development

Introduction To Javascript For Web Development

Javascript is an object-oriented programming language designed to run on the web browser.

Brendan Eich invented javascript in 1995. The language has since developed into the most popular programming language.

Javascript is one of the foundations of web development that enable modern websites to be more interactive and dynamic. With javascript, pages can have clickable buttons, responsive navigation, back-to-top buttons, manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) to display unique items, etc.


  • It is Object-Oriented.

    Javascript being object-oriented means the core of the language focuses on the concept of an object and makes javascript code easier to develop, debug and reuse.

  • Increased page interaction

    Web applications can add features that can increase the uniqueness of a web page. Such features include responsive designs, content management, etc.

  • Lightweight and fast

    Unlike other programming languages that require compilation, Javascript code is interpreted and run in the browser, reducing the compilation time to zero.

  • Cross-platform

    Javascript runs on both client-side and server-side, as well as desktop and mobile apps.

These are some of the many features that javascript offers. I hope you were able to learn a thing or two from this article.

In the coming weeks, I will be publishing articles related to javascript basics, so stay tuned.

Thank you for your time, and happy coding.